Factors Affecting the Job Satisfaction of Female Employees in Karachi


  • Humera Asrar
  • Muhammad Rizwan


Pakistan is a developing country where the corporate sector is experiencing the increasing trend of female employees in organizations so, it is very important for organizations to determine the factors which enhance the female’s job satisfaction. The study aims to measure the relationship of work life balance amongst female employee with the diversity management, the career advancement and leadership style on female employee job satisfaction in Karachi. A total of 185 female employees from different industries of Karachi participated in this study. The results of the regression analysis for the overall model indicates that the predictors work life balance, diversity management, career advancement and leadership style with job satisfaction explain 57% of the variance (R2=0.567, F (4, 185) =59.046, p<.05), which according to Cohen(1998) is a large effect. The results displayed that work life balance; diversity management and leadership style have positive and significant impact on female employees’ job satisfaction while career advancement has no impact on job satisfaction of females in Karachi. This study is helpful for managers and regulatory authorities to devise policies and procedures to enhance the level of satisfaction for their work force and eventually improve the performance of organizations.Keywords: career advancement,diversity management, job satisfaction, leadership style, work life balance


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