Whimsical Behavior Towards Buying


  • Dr. Tariq Jalees
  • Dr. Amber Raza


Impulsive buying behavior has been an extensively researched phenomenon for a few decades. Earlier literature has not satisfactorily addressed the issue by incorporating theoretical, behavioral and systematic approaches to study the phenomena. In view of this gap, the theoretical grounding of this study is based on Behavior Perspective Model (BPM). Specifically, this study aims to understand impulsive buying from the behavioral perspective which is inclusive of physical, temporal, social and regulatory behaviors. The questionnaire based on established constructs were administered to a sample of 425 (response rate was 92%) through the mall intercept method. After establishing the reliabilities and validities of constructs on the present set of data, the developed model was tested through SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). This study found that the significant predictors to impulsive buying were temporal followed by social, regulatory and physical factors. Keywords: Impulsive buying behavior.


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