Supply Chain Management: Reducing the Bullwhip Effect in SME’s


  • Wahab Ali Tamim
  • Raja Rub Nawaz


Effective supply chain management is critical for mitigating the Bullwhip Ejfect (BWE) in SME’s. Thus, this study examines how order batching, lead time, rationing, demand forecasting errors, information sharing and sale promotions aï¬ect the Bullwhip ejfect. Primary data was collected through questionnaires from 150 respondents belonging to business organizations operating in Karachi. The study ï¬nds that demand forecasting, order batching, rationing, lead-time, sales promotions and information sharing are major factors aï¬ecting the bullwhip ejfect. ln view of these findings, organizations should seek to manage the bullwhip effect through sharing real time information and maintaining a centralized supply chain network.Keywords: Bull Whip Ejfect, Supply Chain Management.


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