Extending the TAM Model for Understanding Antecedents to Online Purchase Intentions


  • Sidra Khalid
  • Dr. Tariq Jalees
  • Kaenat Malik


The advancement, growth and popularity of information has enabled consumers across the world to purchase products and services from electronic retailers. However, many consumers do not shop online. Online retailers need to understand the determinants of online purchase intentions to increase sales. Thus, the study has extended the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) for understanding consumers’ attitude towards online shopping. This study has measured the eff ect of mood, prior online experience, trust, shopping enjoyment and impulsive buying behavior on online purchase intentions. The sample size of the study was 204 with a response rate of 95%. The study has focused on the students of local business schools in Karachi. The questionnaire was adapted from previous studies. The study found that mood is the strongest predictor of consumers online purchase intentions followed by trust and prior online experience. On the contrary, shopping enjoyment and impulsive buying behavior are negatively associated with online purchase intentions.Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model; mood; prior online experience; trust; shopping enjoyment; impulsive buying behavior; online purchase intentions.


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