Leadership Styles and Job Satisfaction


  • Saima Asghar
  • Isaiah Oino


Low compensation in the retail sector is adversely aff ecting employee satisfaction and turnover. Leadership style is important for motivating employees and increasing their satisfaction level. This study has examined the eff ect of transformational and transactional leadership styles on job satisfaction in selected retail outlets of Slough, United Kingdom. The adapted questionnaire was administered to the employees of the retail outlets. The sample size was 270 and the response rate was 85%. The study found that transformational leadership style has a positive eff ect on job satisfaction, whereas transactional leadership style has an insignifi cant eff ect on job satisfaction. Therefore, it can be argued that the transformational leadership style is more eff ective in the retail sector of Slough, United Kingdom .Keywords: Transformational leadership; transactional leadership; job satisfaction.


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