External Stimuli and Impulsive Buying Behavior


  • Rafia Ayub
  • Maira Zafar


Retail outlets have become highly competitive and try to attract impulsive buyers. This study examines the eff ect of fi ve diff erent strategies (i.e. window display, background music, sales persons, sales promotions, and discount off ers) on impulsive buying behavior. The sample size for this study was 195 and the mall intercept method was used for collecting the data. Several well-established constructs from the literature were used for developing the questionnaire. The study found that all the predictors i.e. window display, sales promotions, discount off ers, background music and sales persons have a signifi cant eff ect on impulse buying behavior. This study has implications for marketers and policy makers. The fi ndings could be used by them in developing appropriate strategies for attracting and retaining customers and creating diff erentiation. While the present study has examined impulsive buying behavior in Karachi, future research may explore this phenomenon in other cities of Pakistan.Keywords: Buying behavior; unplanned purchase; promotional activities; window displays; background music; sales persons; sales promotions; discount off ers; impulsive buying behavior.


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