The Role of Job Satisfaction and Burnout on Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intentions


  • Syeda Wajiha Kazmi Iqra University, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Tariq Rafiq Jinnah Post Graduate Medical Center, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Saima Tabassum Sindh Madrassatul Islam University, Karachi, Pakistan


Job satisfaction (JS), burnout (BO), and work-family conflict (WFCs) have numerous consequences on employees and organizations. Despite an abundance of research on the subject, previous studies have not examined the multi-mediating effects of JS and BO on WFCs and turnover intentions (TIs). Given this gap, we have contributed towards the body of knowledge by developing a new model based on the four theories (i.e., effort-reward imbalance model, conservation resource model, social exchange theory and identity theory). A sample of 387 respondents from the banking sector of Karachi was selected non-randomly. The Smart PLS software was used for statistical analysis. The results suggest that WFCs enhance TIs and JS. On the contrary, past studies indicate that increased WFCs decrease JS. The study also found that BO increases TIs, which is in line with the results of other studies. We also found that JS negatively affects BO and positively affects TIs. The results also suggest that JS has a mediating effect on BO and TIs, and BO has a mediating effect on TIs. The study also indicates that both JS and BO mediates WFCs and TIs.Keywords: Job satisfaction, work-family conflict, burnout, turnover intentions, banking, Karachi.


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