Corporate Social Responsibility and Customer Loyalty: Exploring the Role of Satisfaction and Corporate Image in the Banking Industry


  • Munawar Javed Ahmad Iqra University
  • Arif Jawaid Lahore Garrison university
  • Muhammad Zulqalnain Arshad Lahore Garrison university
  • Sumaira Habib Paracha Iqra University



Corporate image, corporate social responsibility, customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, banking


This study aims to determine the impact of corporate social responsibility on customerloyalty and satisfaction with the mediating effect of customer satisfaction and the moderatingeffect of corporate image in Pakistan’s banking sector. The study collected 302 responsesfrom the target population. We used a self-administered questionnaire for collecting thedata of banking customers in Pakistan by employing the convenience sampling technique.The study has used the PLS-SEM technique for statistical analysis. The results reveal thatcorporate social responsibility positively influences customer satisfaction. The results alsosuggest that CSR positively affects customer satisfaction. At the same time, CSR has aninsignificant association with customer loyalty. We also found that CS stimulates customerloyalty, and corporate image promotes CL. The results suggest that customer satisfactionmediates CSR and CL. We also found that corporate image does not moderate customerloyalty. Given the importance of CSR, we suggest that banks should allocate considerableresources for CSR activities. CSR is necessary for firms’ growth and sustainability. It also,directly and indirectly, affects the brand image, loyalty, and customer satisfaction. Due to strict regulations, banks have difficulty creating product differentiation; therefore, they relyon strategies such as CSR.


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